Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hi and an Update!

How sad!  This poor little blog been neglected!  Lots and lots of things have actually been happening at Factory 506, but none of them have made it here yet.  So, how about a little update?

Apples have been picked...and eaten!

Signs have been painted at my son's school.

I decided that I needed to bring home several loads of beautiful rocks from Lake Michigan.

S'more sticks have been made, and used...many times!

S'more bars have been set up.

LOT'S of these have been eaten!

I have become obsessed with big feathers and have collected about 10 birds worth!

I have also become obsessed with driftwood and have brought home about three car loads full from Lake Michigan.

I stressed out and had to use more Rescue Spray than I would like to admit.

I made some yummy soup.

I got My SON got a Rainbow Loom and someone has become a fishtail expert!

Fall Happy Hours have been enjoyed.

I started painting an old jacket!

Yikes, I got myself back in business and will be painting sangria pitchers for a local tapas restaurant!  

I painted a bunch of stuff for Halloween, including this pumpkin that I will hang on my front door. 

And as you probably notice from the boarder on some of my photos, I have gotten a little too excited about Instagram!   

What have you been doing? 


  1. That is wonderful news about painting the pitchers for the restaurant! Miss you guys!

  2. We will all have to go and enjoy a pitcher together!!! Cooper will love it :) PS. Miss you too. I need to work on a back door pick up for this week!!!

  3. I can attest to the fact that the soup photographed above is the truth! You owe it to yourselves to get the recipe.
